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Embedding Tech into Company Culture, Part 3
Marat Safir
Marat Safir, Co-founder of TMG, gives advice to technology companies in the industry, and addresses which market forces he is most mindful of when planning his technology roadmap.
Up Next in Marat Safir
Embedding Tech into Company Culture, ...
Marat Safir, Co-founder of TMG, discusses how he relied on tech to evolve during the pandemic, and his current focus on customer-centric technology.
Embedding Tech into Company Culture, ...
Marat Safir, Co-founder of TMG, discusses challenges he’s encountered with incorporating tech solutions into his company’s workflow, and how he’s been able to overcome them.
Embedding Tech into Company Culture T...
Marat Safir, Co-founder of TMG, discusses how technology has enabled him to evolve and expand his company.