How Indoor Environments can Improve Health and Well-being
Smart Cities
Paige Pitcher, Director of Innovation at Hines, interviews Barb Spurrier, MHA, the Managing Director of the Well Living Lab, a Delos and Mayo Clinic collaboration. Barb let us in on the groundbreaking research the Lab is doing to scientifically study indoor environments and ways it can contribute to health and well-being.
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Greg Lindsay, Director of Research at NewCities, outlines how we can adapt and react to a post-COVID world while tackling climate change. Greg challenges us to think about how we build a sustainable future by examining proximity, urban design and the use of technology.
The Economics of Buildings and the Cl...
Enjoy co-chair Lindsay Baker talking with Nils Kok, Chief Economist at GeoPhy about ESG, the economics of the green buildings, energy-efficiency investments, researches, and the latest trends in doing business in real estate.
Global Perspectives on Sustainability
Globally, CRE business leaders are rethinking operations to meet new safety standards for occupants due to COVID-19. However, these specifications risk exponential energy usage by an industry with an already significant environmental footprint. The impacts of climate change are glaring, and the C...