Building Better Real Estate
Smart Cities
Antony Slumbers, Founder of, draws on his experience to answer the question, “how can we use technology to create better real estate?” As Slumbers sights, on average people spend 90% of their time inside, making it critical to improve the spaces that society will experience the majority of their lives. Watch to hear pointed insights for each vertical as to how to improve, and evolve the built environment.
Up Next in Smart Cities
We Can’t Retrofit our Way to Zero Yet
Buildings are responsible for almost 40% of global GHG emissions, of which 72% are related to energy for building operation and 28% to energy embodied in construction materials. CRE needs to clean up it’s act and renovate their carbon intensive portfolio. Or do we?
Retrofitting is an important t...
From Smart Buildings to Intelligent P...
Tobias Decker, Chief Product Officer of BuildingMinds sheds light on how a data standard for real estate and a holistic platform approach enable to reshape real estate portfolio management.
How To Develop A Cyber Security Strategy
Learn from two leading cyber security experts on what a cyber security strategy is, how it impacts your world, who needs to be involved in implementing one and the importance of asking the right questions. We are thrilled to welcome Min Kyriannis, Managing Director at EMD | JMK and John Deskuraki...